The total cost of my education to CFII and 300 flight hours so I can start instructing and making helicopters a self sufficient career will be roughly $80,000.
Helicopters Northwest has provided me with a $50,000 loan to get me started but that doesn't cover the entire cost.
Currently I need to raise $30,000 to complete my schooling.
In an effort to raise all the funding I will need to be able to get my career on the right path in a timely manner I am turning to and graciously asking for help from family, friends, acquaintances and people who find this blog to be of interest or helpful. Any amount at all will help and is much appreciated, I understand that in this economic time it may not be convenient or possible to donate that is ok.
If you would like to donate there is a donate button to your left that is linked to Paypal and will accept credit cards. -Thank you.
I will continue to make a blog entry after every flight or ground lesson to keep everyone up to date.
If you would like to contact me for any reason please feel free, you can find my info under the contact tab at the top of the page.
Thank you for your support and time.